

2.5次元 - Wikipedia

2.5次元は2種類ある - 遥か彼方の彼方から


Google Maps のアメリカの地図の一部で、建物が半透明で立体的に描かれている。

Madison Square Garden 付近
Google Maps 2.5D transparent buildings

Roosevelt Hospital 付近
Google Maps 2.5D transparent buildings

Grand Central Terminal 付近
Google Maps 2.5D transparent buildings

ペラペラの平面地図 -> 建物が立体 -> 建物が立体で半透明

zoom level = 15
Google Maps 2.5D transparent buildings

zoom level = 16
Google Maps 2.5D transparent buildings

zoom level = 17
Google Maps 2.5D transparent buildings

zoom level = 18
Google Maps 2.5D transparent buildings

zoom level = 19
Google Maps 2.5D transparent buildings


The update has been applied to approximately 38 US cities, so get on Google Maps, zoom right down onto levels 1 and 2 and take a look around! While you're there why not create a "My Maps"mashup of historical buildings or your favorite building architecture with your own photos or digital video to add some life to these new 2.5D buildings?!

Google Maps Mania: Google Maps adds 2.5D Buildings and Structures

-Google Maps Mania: Google Maps adds 2.5D Buildings and Structures
-Google Mapsの"2.5次元地図"は、拡大すると新鮮な驚きが:MarkeZine(マーケジン)
-Google Maps - CitySpire Center 付近の地図
-[ヅラド] Google Maps がビル名などを建物形状内に配置するように&建物の立体表示も (日本の建物立体表示)

tags: zlashdot GIS GoogleMaps

Posted by NI-Lab. (@nilab)