テスト用の Debian GNU/Linux etch サーバの mysql-server-5.0 にテスト用のデータを入れておいたらこんなエラーがメールで届いた。

From root@hogehoge.localdomain Sat Sep 29 19:43:16 2007
Envelope-to: root@hogehoge.localdomain
Delivery-date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 19:43:16 +0900
To: root@hogehoge.localdomain
Subject: WARNING: mysqlcheck has found corrupt tables
From: root <root@hogehoge.localdomain>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 19:43:15 +0900

/usr/bin/mysqlcheck: Got error: 1045: M-%M-fM-!M-<M-%M-6M-!M-< 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' M-$M-rM-5M-qM-HM-]M-$M-7M-$M-^M-$M-9.uUsing password: YES) when trying to connect

Improperly closed tables are also reported if clients are accessing
the tables *now*. A list of current connections is below.

mysqlcheck が壊れたテーブルを見つけちゃいました?
エラーの詳細メッセージっぽい M-%M-fM-!M- の部分は日本語なんじゃ……

$ env | grep LANG

なんとなくメッセージ部分が EUC-JP っぽい。

From root@hogehoge.localdomain Sat Sep 29 19:43:16 2007
Return-path: <root@hogehoge.localdomain>
Envelope-to: root@hogehoge.localdomain
Delivery-date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 19:43:16 +0900
Received: from root by hogehoge.localdomain with local (Exim 4.63)
        (envelope-from <root@hogehoge.localdomain>)
        id 1IbZn1-0000mW-TV
        for root@hogehoge.localdomain; Sat, 29 Sep 2007 19:43:16 +0900
To: root@hogehoge.localdomain
Subject: WARNING: mysqlcheck has found corrupt tables
Message-Id: <E1IbZn1-0000mW-TV@hogehoge.localdomain>
From: root <root@hogehoge.localdomain>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 19:43:15 +0900
Status: RO

/usr/bin/mysqlcheck: Got error: 1045: ユーザー 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' を拒否します.uUsing password: YES) when trying to connect

Improperly closed tables are also reported if clients are accessing
the tables *now*. A list of current connections is below.

debian-sys-maint がどうして拒否されてるのかはわからないけど。

追記 2007-09-30: Debian が設定したパスワードが MySQL 内で保持しているパスワードと違っていた

Debian が作ってくれた debian-sys-maint ユーザのパスワードは FYqeWF7NfhEniPKt になってた。

# cat /etc/mysql/debian.cnf
# Automatically generated for Debian scripts. DO NOT TOUCH!
host     = localhost
user     = debian-sys-maint
password = FYqeWF7NfhEniPKt
socket   = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
user     = debian-sys-maint
password = FYqeWF7NfhEniPKt
socket   = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
basedir  = /usr

MySQL でユーザ一覧情報がどこにあるのか探索。

# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 13
Server version: 5.0.32-Debian_7etch1-log Debian etch distribution
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| hogehoge           |
| mysql              |
| test               |
4 rows in set (0.05 sec)
mysql> use mysql;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_mysql           |
| columns_priv              |
| db                        |
| func                      |
| help_category             |
| help_keyword              |
| help_relation             |
| help_topic                |
| host                      |
| proc                      |
| procs_priv                |
| tables_priv               |
| time_zone                 |
| time_zone_leap_second     |
| time_zone_name            |
| time_zone_transition      |
| time_zone_transition_type |
| user                      |
17 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> show columns from user;
| Field                 | Type                              | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| Host                  | varchar(60)                       | NO   | PRI |         |       |
| User                  | varchar(16)                       | NO   | PRI |         |       |
| Password              | varchar(41)                       | NO   |     |         |       |
| Select_priv           | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Insert_priv           | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Update_priv           | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Delete_priv           | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Create_priv           | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Drop_priv             | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Reload_priv           | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Shutdown_priv         | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Process_priv          | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| File_priv             | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Grant_priv            | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| References_priv       | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Index_priv            | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Alter_priv            | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Show_db_priv          | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Super_priv            | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Create_tmp_table_priv | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Lock_tables_priv      | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Execute_priv          | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Repl_slave_priv       | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| Repl_client_priv      | enum('N','Y')                     | NO   |     | N       |       |
| ssl_type              | enum('','ANY','X509','SPECIFIED') | NO   |     |         |       |
| ssl_cipher            | blob                              | NO   |     |         |       |
| x509_issuer           | blob                              | NO   |     |         |       |
| x509_subject          | blob                              | NO   |     |         |       |
| max_questions         | int(11) unsigned                  | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| max_updates           | int(11) unsigned                  | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| max_connections       | int(11) unsigned                  | NO   |     | 0       |       |
31 rows in set (0.00 sec)

ユーザ情報は mysql データベースの user テーブルに入っているみたい。

mysql> select Host, User, Password from user;
| Host      | User             | Password         |
| localhost | root             | 4649abdf8d5e1bd3 |
| hogehoge  | root             | 4649abdf8d5e1bd3 |
| localhost | debian-sys-maint | 6d36e9b3680a6e1f |
| %         | hogehoge         | 4649abdf8d5e1bd3 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Debian が設定したパスワードと合っているのだろうか?

user テーブルの Password の値(6d36e9b3680a6e1f)が一致していない。
# password関数は長いパスワードなので違うものっぽい

mysql> select password('FYqeWF7NfhEniPKt');
| password('FYqeWF7NfhEniPKt')              |
| *F7F31087095F0F4FBB8F944E2DD5C5727927B4D8 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select OLD_PASSWORD('FYqeWF7NfhEniPKt');
| 673e5d4e154cf4ea                 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
set password for してみる。

mysql> set password for 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost'=password('FYqeWF7NfhEniPKt');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> select Host, User, Password from user;
| Host      | User             | Password                                  |
| localhost | root             | 4649abdf8d5e1bd3                          |
| hogehoge  | root             | 4649abdf8d5e1bd3                          |
| localhost | debian-sys-maint | *F7F31087095F0F4FBB8F944E2DD5C5727927B4D8 |
| %         | hogehoge         | 4649abdf8d5e1bd3                          |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

やっぱり、設定するときも password 関数じゃなくて OLD_PASSWORD 関数を使わないといけないので……

set password for で OLD_PASSWORD関数の結果(673e5d4e154cf4ea)をパスワードに設定。
これで user テーブルの Password の値(673e5d4e154cf4ea)と一致する。

mysql> set password for 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost'=OLD_PASSWORD('FYqeWF7NfhEniPKt');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> select Host, User, Password from user;
| Host      | User             | Password         |
| localhost | root             | 4649abdf8d5e1bd3 |
| hogehoge  | root             | 4649abdf8d5e1bd3 |
| localhost | debian-sys-maint | 673e5d4e154cf4ea |
| %         | hogehoge         | 4649abdf8d5e1bd3 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

でも、また同じエラーが出た orz

Yokatta, yokatta.

tags: zlashdot Linux Debian MySQL

Posted by NI-Lab. (@nilab)