Tama is a stationmaster in Kishi-eki. (2008-01-08)

The stationmaster of Kishi-eki is a tortoiseshell cat.
The cat's name is Tama.

She became to a stationmaster of Kishi-eki (Kishi station) in January 5, 2007.
Her mission was pulling many guest.

Kishi-eki got little guests.
Kishi-eki was poor.

New stationmaster: Tama


She became to the super stationmaster in January 5, 2008.
Because she pulled many guest!

Kishi-eki (Kishi-station)

-The stationmaster is cat, Tama. Cat stationmaster came in Wakayama Dentestu Kishikawa-sen Kishi-eki:Garbagenews.com (in Japanese)
-Mainichi-Shinbun: Cat stationmaster worked in a year. She worked up by her merit. (in Japanese)
-Kishi-eki - Wikipedia (in Japanese)

tags: cj1

Posted by NI-Lab. (@nilab)