Nantai girls animation dancer (2008-01-04)

KAZUMI is nantai girls animation dancer.
The word 'Nantai' means 'soft-bodied'.

Japanese funny TV commercial #8 (Consult with Milk)

The mother is played by KAZUMI (23 years old).

The daughter is played by REONA (12 years old).
REONA and URAN are sisters. They group LA HIP STYLE.

Japanese TV show interviews them.

What parent and child in Japanese CM, Consult with Milk ?

The next movie is a dance battle.
First dancing girl is KAZUMI.
Second dancing girl is Strong Machine No.2.

YouTube - animation dance battle

-Nantai (soft-bodied) girls animation dancer KAZUMI|CREB INCUBATION Inc. (in Japanese)
-LA HIP STYLE (REONA and URAN) (in Japanese)
-Japanese Dairy Council - Consult with Milk (in Japanese)

tags: cj1

Posted by NI-Lab. (@nilab)