Yahoo! Know Your Mojo! は、Twitterペルソナ解析をしてくれるサイト。

Yahoo! Know Your Mojo!

自分のアカウント名 @nilab を入れてみたら、BFFって診断された。

Yahoo! Know Your Mojo!

BFF は Best Friend Forever の略。
リプライが多いと BFF と診断されるっぽい。

Yahoo! Know Your Mojo!


Yahoo! Know Your Mojo!


As Twitter becomes more mainstream, everyone and their mother (and grandmother… and mayor… and daytime TV host) is trying their hand at the tweet. But what they might not realize is that how you use Twitter can say a lot about you.

In honor of our new Yahoo! Homepage, which was designed to be customized to reflect your true personality, we've launched a new tool that helps you analyze your social mojo. Just enter your Twitter username and our highly scientific pipe thingy goes to work to determine exactly what kind of Twitter persona you possess. You might be a:

* Headliner - You're the star of the Twitterverse, have tons of followers, and have retweets the likes of Ashton Kutcher and Perez Hilton
* Crowd Pleaser - You use lots of hashtags and are in on all the hot conversations
* Cheerleader - Retweeting is how you roll
* B.F.F. - Your volume of @replies makes you everybody's best bud
* Party Animal - With so many followers, you're the life of the party
* Private Eye - Like any good investigator, you're following a boatload of people
* Concierge - You live for links and sending people to the best stuff
* Word Whiz - You're a natural wordsmith and make the most of your 140 characters
* Lone Wolf - You're more of a low-profile type (some might even accuse you of lurking)
* Name Dropper - You use lots of @names when you tweet
* Matchmaker - You pass along lots of URLs to make sure everyone's connected
* Wall Flower - You don't tweet much but you're still in on the party
* Novelist - You have a lot to say and tweet with a lot of characters to prove it
* Shadow - You follow lots of people like a good shadow would
* Scenester - If there's a hashtag conversation happening, you're there
* Tweethead - Your high number of retweets shows you like to spread the good stuff

And once you get your assessment, we suggest a number of related websites that you can add to your very own Yahoo! Homepage to help feed your mojo.

What's your social mojo? | Yodel Anecdotal
 米Yahoo!は8月13日、Twitterユーザー向けサービス「Know Your Mojo」をスタートした。ページトップの“科学的パイプ”にアカウント名を入力すると、それまでのそのアカウントの利用データに基づいた分析結果がTwitterのユーザータイプとして表示される。ただし、アカウントを非公開設定にしている場合は分析されない。

 タイプには、アシュトン・カッチャーやパリス・ヒルトンのように多数のフォロワーがおり、頻繁につぶやきをretweet(再配信)される「Headliner」、一方的に多数をフォローしている「Private Eye」、retweet専門の「Cheerleader」など、16種類ある。


あなたはどのタイプ?:米Yahoo!、「Twitterユーザーのタイプ判定」サービスを開始 - ITmedia エンタープライズ

Ref. Yahoo! Know Your Mojo!

tags: zlashdot Services Twitter Yahoo

Posted by NI-Lab. (@nilab)