Hex Values for Acronyms
CR 000D 0D 0D 0D
LF 000A 0A 25 15
CRLF 000D,000A 0D,0A 0D,25 0D,15
NEL* 0085 85 15 25
VT 000B 0B 0B 0B
FF 000C 0C 0C 0C
LS 2028 n/a n/a n/a
PS 2029 n/a n/a n/a
  • There are two mappings of LF and NEL used by EBCDIC systems. The first EBCDIC column shows the MVS Open Edition (including CP1047) mapping of these characters, while the second column shows the CDRA mapping. This difference arises from the use of LF character as 'New Line' in ASCII-based Unix environments and in some data transfer protocols that use the Unix assumptions. The second column is based on the standardized definitions — both in ASCII and EBCDIC of LF.
  • NEL is not actually defined in ASCII: it is defined in ISO 6429 as a C1 control.

UAX #13: Unicode Newline Guidelines (Unicode Standard Annex #13)

CR: Carriage Return
LF: Line Feed
NEL: Next Line
VT: Vertical Tabulation (垂直タブ)
FF: Form Feed (改ページ)
LS: Line Separator (Unicode用)
PS: Paragraph Separator (Unicode用)

VT, FF, PS も改行コード?

-UAX #13: Unicode Newline Guidelines
-Unicode の改行コード
-改行コード Memo

tags: zlashdot Zura Unicode

Posted by NI-Lab. (@nilab)