routemap mashup : Google Maps JavaScript API x Yahoo! Open Local Platform Route Map API (2011-09-10)

I made a mashup site using Google Maps API and Yahoo! Japan Route Map API.

Route Map API can create route map image. These route are accentuated.

Asakusa : routemap mashup : Google Maps JavaScript API x Yahoo! Open Local Platform Route Map API

To Sanjusangendo:
To Sanjusangendo : routemap mashup : Google Maps JavaScript API x Yahoo! Open Local Platform Route Map API

To Itsukushima Shinto Shrine:
To Itsukushima Shinto Shrine : routemap mashup : Google Maps JavaScript API x Yahoo! Open Local Platform Route Map API

Kyoto Inari:
Kyoto Inari : routemap mashup : Google Maps JavaScript API x Yahoo! Open Local Platform Route Map API

- The Google Maps Javascript API V3 - Google Maps JavaScript API V3 - Google Code
- Yahoo! Developer Network - Map - Route Map API (in Japanese)
- routemap : Google Maps JavaScript API x Yahoo! Open Local Platform Route Map API

tags: google_maps_api yahoo_maps_api

Posted by NI-Lab. (@nilab)