We did mamemaki. (2007-02-03)

We did mamemaki.

Today is setsubun.
We do mamemaki in Japan.

We bought a bag of fukumames (soybeans).

setsubun mamemaki

We said "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" and threw soybeans to our garden.

setsubun mamemaki

Oni is Japanese devil.
"Oni wa soto" means "Get out of my house, Japanese devil!".

Fuku is Japanese god or angel.
"Fuku wa uchi" means "Come in my house, Japanese god!".

Soybeans are weapons for defeating Oni.

setsubun mamemaki

We eat soybeans at each our age.

setsubun mamemaki

I did mamemaki, and remembered a story "Naita Akaoni (The red oni wept)".

Ref. Setsubun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

tags: cj1

Posted by NI-Lab. (@nilab)