ALPSLAB photo with Flickr (The Flag of the Fureai Farm) (2006-06-08)

ALPSLAB photo is a web map service.
We can post photos on Flickr to the map of 'ALPSLAB base'.
Photos will be geotagged by 'ALPSLAB photo'.

Flickr is a web site for photos sharing.

My page on Flickr: Flickr: Photos from nilabnilabnilab

my page in Flickr

I did login Flickr.
I uploded my photo 'Flag of the Fureai Farm'.

the photo of Fureai Farm

I tagged 'farm' and 'japan' in Flickr.

tags in Flickr

In ALPSLAB photo,


I clicked the link "login Flickr".

add location infomation with ALPSLAB photo

I selected my photo 'Flag of the Fureai Farm' in the bottom of page.
I made the map to scroll. The map moved to the location of Fureai Farm.
I clicked the link "add current location to this photo".

The infomation of the location added to the page of the photo 'Flag on the Fureai Farm'.

The link "display the map" was added.

the photo of Fureai Farm with link to map

When we click the link, the scrollable map (ALPSLAB base) of the location (Fureai Farm) appears.

the location of Fureai Farm on ALPSLAB base

Tags were added.

tags in Flickr


They are geotags. Geotag is a location infomation (latitude and longitude).
Their geodesic format is WGS84 and DEG(dddd.ddddd).

Ref. GeoTagging - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is the bookmarklet for ALPSLAB photo. That's convenient.

the Location of the Fureai Farm :

But, there is no world map.
Only the Japanese Map.
Don't bummed out...

tags: cj1

Posted by NI-Lab. (@nilab)