Baby, your name is Nevaeh. (2006-05-20)

Nevaeh is the 70th most popular name in 2005 year.

Before 2,000 there only eight Nevaehs in the United States. One year later, it had cracked the list of the top 1,000 baby names and last year it surpassed old standbys such as Kate, Rebecca and Amy.

United Press International - NewsTrack - Parents find Neveah to be a bit of heaven

I feel difficult to the spell.
Neveah, Neveah, Neveah, No! The right is Nevaeh!

Ref. United Press International - NewsTrack - Parents find Neveah to be a bit of heaven <- This title has 'Neveah', but the right is 'Neveah'.

tags: cj1

Posted by NI-Lab. (@nilab)