> Fighter: Zangief (ザンギエフ) > > I used Nintendo Switch's standard video capture feature. > This feature allows you to capture videos up to 30 seconds long. > I edited and stitched together them. > > Nintendo Switch 標準機能の動画キャプチャ機能で撮影した最大30秒の動画を編集してつなげています。
> Game: Street Fighter ZERO 3 (ストリートファイターZERO3, Street Fighter Alpha 3) > Game Compilation: Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection International (ストリートファイター 30th アニバーサリーコレクション インターナショナル) > Game Platform: Nintendo Switch > Game Developer: Capcom > > Playing date: 2022-03-18, 2022-03-20 > Tools: Final Cut Pro 11
> The Pythagora Switch's Pythagora Souchi is a device. > It moves balls and objects in a chain reaction. > This is a kind of Rube Goldberg machine. > Pythagora Goal 1-gou is a toy. > It is placed at the goal point of the Pythagora Souchi. > > Tools: Final Cut Pro 11