[webapi][location][geocoding]Yahoo! Placemaker Beta - YDN : Yahoo! Placemaker is a freely available geoparsing Web service. It helps developers make their applications location-aware by identifying places in unstructured and atomic content – feeds, web pages, news, status updates – and returning geographic metadata for geog
[location]Yahoo! GeoPlanet - YDN : Yahoo! GeoPlanet helps bridge the gap between the real and virtual worlds by providing an open, permanent, and intelligent infrastructure for geo-referencing data on the Internet. This page provides open access to the underlying data under a Creative Commons Attribution lice
[perl][programming_language][programming]何故、私はPerlを続けるのか - taro-nishino の日記:Jonathan Rockway「Why I stick with Perl」訳:選んだ言語にはない好きな特徴「Perlは綺麗な言語でないかも知れないが、汚さを見る時間も無いほどに、沢山のライブラリがある」