Twitter Favorites (お気に入り, いいね, Favorites, Likes)

Twitter Favorites (お気に入り, いいね, Favorites, Likes)


-Twitter Found Love In A Fave-Less Place | TechCrunch
-->That’s why today’s seemingly surface-level switch from “favorite” stars to “like” hearts on Twitter and Vine is so important. It’s a way for Twitter to encourage a higher rate of feedback per tweet so users feel heard.
-->The Favorite was flexible. For a user base of early adopters defining what Twitter was about, that was actually a good thing. A favorite could be a thumbs up, but also an “I’ve seen this”, a show of gratitude, an agreement, a “seriously?”, a read-it-later, or a “this conversation has come to a suitable end, goodbye.”

-[ヅ] Twitter の ID (user_id) とツイートとふぁぼの RSS の URL を調べる (2012-10-14)

-[ヅ] Java で Twitter Favorites の RSS フィードを生成する (2013-09-01)

-はてなブックマーク - favotterに関するnilabのブックマーク




