Fitbit4J (Fitbit Java Client API and Examples project)

Fitbit4J (Fitbit Java Client API and Examples project)

Fitbit4J の本家は消滅しました


-No, really. Please don't use this anymore. - nilab/fitbit4j@e98ff05

-GitHub - nilab/fitbit4j: Fitbit Java Client API and Examples (DEPRECATED); quick hack to make use of OAuth 2
-->Fitbit4J Required Open-Source Libraries
-->In addition to the standard Java runtime library, the Fitbit API Java Client library depends on the following third-party libraries:
-->Apache Commons Logging 1.1.1 Joda Time Library 1.5 JSON Java Library
-->Note. If you're using maven or Ivy, you can check out the gh-pages branch of the repository, where we are hosting a maven repository for the project.

OAuth 2.0 対応 fork

-nilsding/fitbit4j: Fitbit Java Client API and Examples (DEPRECATED); quick hack to make use of OAuth 2

-runtastic/fitbit4j: Fitbit Java Client API and Examples (DEPRECATED); quick hack to make use of OAuth 2


-[ヅ] Fitbit API の Java ラッパー Fitbit4J を試してみる (2013-01-15)

-[ヅ] Fitbit API HTTPS をサポートする fitbit4j-1.0.26-SNAPSHOT.jar をビルド (2014-11-03)

-Samurai zlash! - Samples for Fitbit4J (Fitbit API, OAuth) (2013-01-17)

-Samurai zlash! - I made a fitbit4j-1.0.26-SNAPSHOT.jar for Fitbit API HTTPS (2014-11-03)

-Fitbit4J 1.0.25 API