

-Welcome to Favstar

@nilab’s (NI-Lab.) Best Tweets

-@nilab’s (NI-Lab.) Newest Tweets

-@nilab’s (NI-Lab.) Likes

-nilog: Favstar があと1週間で終了してしまうので、スクリーンショットを撮っておく。 @nilab’s (NI-Lab.) Best Tweets (2018-06-12)

-nilog: Favstar は有料会員じゃないとベストツイートが見れなくなったらしい。 「Favstarのプロメンバーになりベストツイートのロック解除をする!」 @nilabのベストツイート (2015-07-10)

-nilog: Favstar が終了したのでアプリ連携を解除しておく。 (2018-06-23)

-nilog: たぶん2012年10月20日のFavstar、FAVS RECEIVEDが8888。 (2018-07-08)

-->Favstar is for sale.
-->Update June 9, 2018:
-->Favstar.fm is for sale.
-->My recommendation for the acquirer would be to replace the current site with it’s own social media network, perhaps federated within Mastadon, or another open social network. I could introduce you to someone who could assist with this. Among the many benefits, you’d be starting fresh with a vibrant community, with full control of the messaging and data, and monthly hosting costs would reduce to about $200.
-->If you’re interested in continuing Favstar in its current form, there’s a few things you should be aware of. The way Favstar receives data from Twitter is going to be discontinued after August 2018. If you wanted the site to continue to receive data from Twitter, you should research how that could be achieved before contacting us. We won’t be involved in technology updates going forward. You should also be aware that in its current form, Favstar costs about US$5k per month to keep online; the databases are several terabytes in size. The final point you should be aware of is that Favstar has not been receiving any income since Favstar Pro sales were disabled.
-->If you’re interested in making an offer in the mid-high five figure range, you’re welcome to email offers@favstar.fm, and we can talk through the details. I’m interested in keeping this transition simple.
-->Tim Haines
-->Original Post:
-->Favstar started in May 2009, and in it’s early years was a huge hit with people new to Twitter, up-and-coming comedians, tech folk, reporters, celebrities, and people looking for a quick route to the best tweets. You could visit Favstar, and almost be guaranteed a laugh, whatever your sense of humor.
-->At Favstar’s peak it was serving over 50 million visits a month. Not bad for a site operated from a single web-server by a single person.
-->During December 2017 Twitter stated that on June 19th 2018 they will be shutting down the method that Favstar and other third-party Twitter apps use to receive your Tweets, Likes, and Retweets. You can read more about this on Apps of a Feather.
-->Twitter wrote that they’ll be replacing this with another method of data access, but have not been forthcoming with the details or pricing. Favstar can’t continue to operate in this environment of uncertainty.
-->Favstar will go offline on June 19th 2018.
-->Favstar Pro is no longer for sale. Anyone who has a Favstar Pro Membership beyond June 19th will receive a refund.
-->So long, and thanks for all the laughs,
-->Tim Haines

-「Favstar」「Klout」終了へ 老舗のTwitter連携サービス - ITmedia NEWS
-->人気のツイートを確認できるサービス「Favstar」が、6月19日に終了すると発表。Twitterが「User Streams API」の提供をやめる方針を示す中、「先行きが不透明なため」としている。

-人気ツイートをチェックできる「Favstar」が運営終了、理由はTwitterの新API導入【やじうまWatch】 - INTERNET Watch
-->「Favstar」は、Twitterで「いいね!」やRTの多い人気ツイートをチェックできるサービス。Twitterの黎明期にあたる2009年にスタートし、日本語のインターフェースが用意されていたこともあって国内でも多数のユーザーが利用していた。終了の理由として、6月19日から施行されるTwitter社の新しいAPIでの挙動が不明瞭なことを挙げており、有料版である「Favstar Pro」を利用していたユーザーには返金が行われるとのこと。ちなみにほぼ同じタイミングで、Twitterの個人アカウントなどをもとに個人のソーシャル上の影響力を数値化するサービス「Klout」も終了を発表しているが、こちらは特にTwitterの新APIとは関係がなく、サービス買収先の長期戦略と一致しないことを理由に挙げている。