Android UI あれこれメモ

Android UI あれこれメモ

-daCapricorn/ArcMenu - GitHub
--->An android custom view which looks like the menu in Path 2.0 (for iOS).

-Android Interaction Design Patterns |

-Patterns of Design

-Dev Fest X (Sapporo) Android UI Patterns

-Google I/O 10で発表された5つのAndroidのApplication UIデザイン - 酢ろぐ!
---Dashboard, Action Bar, Quick Actions, Search Bar, Companion Widget

-Google I/O 2010

-Android UI Patterns - Android
--->NOTICE: Clarification about permissions in this app:
--->- INTERNET: Allows applications to open network sockets. Used for download images, display Google Maps, share, email...
--->- ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Allows applications to access information about networks. It's needed for downloading images, submmiting crash report as well as displaying Advertising.
--->- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Allows an application to write to external storage. Used for LazyList sample (save downloaded images).
--->- READ_CONTACTS: Allows an application to read the user's contacts data. Please pay attention that this app doesn't send your contacts outside app. This permission is needed for a sample (show user contacts in listview) of ActionBarSherlock.
--->- VIBRATE: Allows access to the vibrator. Used in AndroidWheel sample.
--->Wanna to make your app more beautiful?
--->Wanna to make your app better?
--->This Android UI Patterns app will give you many useful UI design patterns. Applying these design patterns will not only make your app more beautiful but also bring better user experience for users.
--->In this version, you will have:
--->* Titlebar & Dashboard
--->- android-actionbar (Johan Nilsson)
--->- Dashboard Layout from Google I/O project (romannurik)
--->- ActionBarSherlock: Demos, Fragments, Styled (Jake Wharton)
--->- android-sliding-menu (Gitgrimbo)
--->- gui-sliding-sidebar (walkingice)
--->* ViewPager & Tab
--->- android-viewflow (Patrik Åkerfeldt)
--->- Android-ViewPagerIndicator (Jake Wharton)
--->- horizontal-pager (ysamlan)
--->- jasonfry-swipe-view (fry15)
--->- ViewPagerExtensions (Andreas Stütz)
--->- android-segmentedradiobutton (makeramen)
--->* Listview
--->- android-pulltorefresh listview (Johan Nilsson)
--->- IndexableListView (woozzu)
--->- LazyList (thest1)
--->- RefreshableListView (woozzu)
--->- android-uitableview (thiagolocatelli)
--->- StickyListHeaders, StickyScrollViewItems (Emil Sjölander)
--->* Maps
--->- android-mapviewballoons (jgilfelt)
--->- SampleClusterMap (Huan Erdao)
--->* Poppup
--->- Android-NewPopupMenu (u1aryz)
--->- NewQuickAction, NewQuickAction3D (Lorensius W. L. T)
--->* Animation & Effect
--->- Reflection effect (RamaMohan P)
--->- ExpandAnimationExample (Udinic)
--->- android_page_curl (harism)
--->- FlipAnimatorExample (Kumar Bibek)
--->- NineOldAndroids (Jake Wharton)
--->- android-satellite-menu (Siyamed)
--->- ArcMenu (DaCapricorn)
--->* Picker
--->- android-ColorPickerPreference (attenzione)
--->- AndroidWheel (Alessandro Crugnola)
--->- DateSlider (Ben Demboski)
--->- android-wheel (Yuri Kanivets)
--->- scroll-picker-view-for-android (Ttshrk)
--->- android-numberpicker, android-datepicker, android-timepicker (SimonVT)
--->* Miscellaneous
--->- HoloEverywhere (Christophe Versieux)
--->- android-viewbadger (jgilfelt)
--->* Adding AUTHOR tab to honor who contributed his great Android library.
--->More UI Patterns will come in the next version!
--->Tags: android satellite menu example, how to creat pattern dashboard android, android ui sample, codes in android tutorial for ui pattern listview, android dashboard layout.

-SlidingMenu Demos - Google Play の Android アプリ

-jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu · GitHub

-KLab、Android向け UIコンポーネント 『KLab iPhoroid UI』の オープンソースを無償提供開始 | ニュースリリース | KLab株式会社

-AndroidViews - Custom Android UI Views

-Introducing Smoothie | Lucas Rocha

-はてなブックマーク - NI-Lab.の電子栞 - android - ui