


-原文: "Here lies a man who was able to surround himself with men far cleverer than himself."


-アンドリュー・カーネギー - Wikipedia

-Andrew Carnegie and the Carnegie Trust
--->His epitaph was:
--->Here lies a man who was able to surround himself with men far cleverer than himself.

-Andrew Carnegie - MSN Encarta
--->Carnegie always maintained that the secret of his business success lay not in his own genius as a maker of steel, but in his ability to select the proper person for the job to be done. He was one of the first industrialists to hire scientists for research, and he suggested for his own epitaph, “Here lies a man who was able to surround himself with men far cleverer than himself.” But such a statement underestimates Carnegie’s own genius in organization and the shrewdness of his business judgment. His faith in the United States as a land of business opportunity never wavered, and much of his financial success was due to his policy of expanding in periods of depression. Carnegie also prided himself on his enlightened labor policy, although his reputation for benevolence was publicly damaged by the violent Homestead Strike of 1892.

-Andrew Carnegie's gravestone on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

-Carnegie Corporation - Carnegie for Kids

-日経、本日の蛍光ペンでマークする記事・ことば(6/8) [まぐまぐ!]
--->2009.6.8(月) 日本経済新聞 (第14版 関西版)
--->●1面(P1) 《大転換 第3部 揺らぐCEO神話4》グーグル創業者の覚悟
---> さらされ、目先の利益にとらわれる。これは有害だ」