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Twitter (2023-02-05)
「陳皮 (ちんぴ、中国語:チェンピー 拼音: chénpí、英語: Citrus reticulata peel, Citrus unshiu peel、ラテン語: Aurantii nobilis pericarpium)は、本来中国では、熟したミカン科のマンダリンオレンジの果皮を干したもので漢方薬の原料のひとつ」

陳皮 - Wikipedia
[t] 2023-02-05 18:43:52
1. メディア
2. ウインカーネリアン
3. ガウマン
4. カタシロ
5. ハサウェイ
6. サンダーボルト
7. ディープモンスター
8. オープンファイア #buzzbot
[t] 2023-02-05 17:30:56
「陳皮 (ちんぴ、中国語:チェンピー 拼音: chénpí、英語: Citrus reticulata peel, Citrus unshiu peel、ラテン語: Aurantii nobilis pericarpium)は、本来中国では、熟したミカン科のマンダリンオレンジの果皮を干したもので漢方薬の原料のひとつ」

陳皮 - Wikipedia
[t] 2023-02-05 18:43:52

陳皮 - Wikipedia
[t] 2023-02-05 18:44:52

陳皮 - Wikipedia
[t] 2023-02-05 18:45:53

「PNGの仕様書の「10. Appendix: Revision History」を見ると、15 July 2017 (version 1.5.0)にeXIf chunkが追加された、とあります」

[t] 2023-02-05 18:59:15
1. 春風亭一之輔
2. セクシー救急車
3. シドニー
4. 本多正信
5. 当選確実
6. サンダーボルト
7. ビームライフル
8. あcola
9. カリスマ #buzzbot
[t] 2023-02-05 20:30:56
Mastodon の自分のトゥートを、Webサイトに表示するところまでできた。画像の取り込みとかまだいろいろできていないのだけどとりあえず。

nilog: 無いログは振れない。 : 2023-02-03
Mastodon の自分のトゥートを、Webサイトに表示するところまでできた。画像の取り込みとかまだいろいろできていないのだけどとりあえず。  nilog: 無いログは振れない。 : 2023-02-03
[t] 2023-02-05 20:40:43
Twitter や Timelog や mixi Voice が ActivityPub に対応して、各種SNS間でリプライできるようになったらおもしろそうなんだけどなぁ。
[t] 2023-02-05 21:12:40


マスクCEO、Twitterの無料API終了は「悪質なbotの排除」と説明 有料APIは月100ドル程度に - ITmedia
[t] 2023-02-05 21:22:10
RT @mofusand_kouhou:


・mofusand もふもふステーション@東京駅

[t] 2023-02-05 21:55:13
RT @year_progress:
Twitter is closing its doors to hobby bots like this one. They tell us a week before this happens.

There's been a lot of measured, well-mannered commentary from other makers of Twitter bots. I thought I'd share my uncensored thoughts instead.

Fuck this.

[t] 2023-02-05 21:56:11
RT @year_progress:
Twitter was a fun place partly because people could make small, weird programs for others' enjoyment. There's @big_ben_clock, @portmanteau_bot, @AutoCharts, and a million others. Most of us did this work without any thought of compensation because we're not dickfaced twatwaffles.
[t] 2023-02-05 21:56:19
RT @year_progress:
There's been a few arsebaskets over the years who wanted to buy @year_progress. I said no because then my little hobby project would inevitably devolve into pushing an NFT scam or some other bullshit. I don't need that.
[t] 2023-02-05 21:56:28
RT @year_progress:
Each of us Twitter bot makers already pay for the servers that send these tweets. That's fine. But now some clownstick at Twitter decides they also want money for the priviledge of receiving these tweets.

Because making their site a funner place mUsT Be mOnEtIzEd.
[t] 2023-02-05 21:56:34
RT @year_progress:
This bot posts about 8 tweets a month. Each of those tweets is a string of up to 18-19 characters. Even with all the required ceremony, this bot isn't costing Twitter more than a few kilobytes a month.

So this is NOT Twitter trying to get compensated for their server upkeep.
[t] 2023-02-05 21:56:50
RT @year_progress:
Even if the price (which we still don't know, by the way) turns out to be something symbolic, like $5 a year, I'm not going to pay. To be clear: I have the money. I'm not asking for your help in paying it. No. It's just that the Twitter management can eat shit.
[t] 2023-02-05 21:57:02
RT @year_progress:
I know, I know. It's their site, their rules. They're entirely free to do whatever they please with their service and with the Terms. If the fuckwits at Twitter HQ wake up tomorrow and decide all users have to eat a bag of dicks before posting an update, it's in their right.
[t] 2023-02-05 21:57:10
RT @year_progress:
All we can do is to show them the 🖕, or — alternatively — partake of the dick bag.
[t] 2023-02-05 21:57:22
RT @year_progress:
I'm not going to lift a finger for the geniuses at Twitter. If on February 9th this bot stops updating, you know why.
[t] 2023-02-05 21:57:29
RT @year_progress:
I hope you enjoyed this tirade. I'm not generally this trigger happy with cursing — I just wanted to use as many of my favorite swearwords as possible.

I also thought it would be a good counterpoint to the usually measured and rational responses coming from other bot makers.
[t] 2023-02-05 21:57:37

- NI-Lab.
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