

← 前の日 2021-02-18 次の日 →
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Twitter (2021-02-18)
I made Japanese char siu with pork.
There was also a problem on the way.
After that, I put the char siu in the ramen and ate it.
It was tasty.

BGM: Catwalk Long, Curtain Call Long by sound effects in iMovie

Cooking Japanese char siu 叉焼 - YouTube
[t] 2021-02-18 23:22:01
1. 花江くん
2. わしゃがな
3. 友情ピアス
4. 素のまんま
5. ケンミンショー
6. バスセンターのカレー
7. 大森元貴
8. ヤンキー学校
9. 中村海人 #buzzbot
[t] 2021-02-18 22:30:53
I made Japanese char siu with pork.
There was also a problem on the way.
After that, I put the char siu in the ramen and ate it.
It was tasty.

BGM: Catwalk Long, Curtain Call Long by sound effects in iMovie

Cooking Japanese char siu 叉焼 - YouTube
[t] 2021-02-18 23:22:01

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