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Hatena::Bookmark (2020-09-17)
SpringOne 2020: Day 1 Recap and Highlights

SpringOne 2020: Day 1 Recap and Highlights
[B!] 2020-09-17 13:12:15
SpringOne | September 2–3, 2020

SpringOne | September 2–3, 2020
[B!] 2020-09-17 13:11:12
SpringOne 2020: Day 1 Recap and Highlights

SpringOne 2020: Day 1 Recap and Highlights
[B!] 2020-09-17 13:12:15
SpringOne 2020: Day 2 Recap and Highlights

SpringOne 2020: Day 2 Recap and Highlights
[B!] 2020-09-17 13:12:25
"A quick Google search told us that our friend U+FEFF was called a ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE. Also, a quick trip to Wikipedia told us about the actual uses for U+FEFF, more commonly known as Byte order mark or BOM."

A quick tale about FEFF, an invisible UTF-8 character that wrecked our CSV files
[B!] 2020-09-17 15:08:07
"SQLに慣れた方であれば、集約関数の中に DISTINCT や ORDER BY を入れて用いることは多いと思います。Hiveでは全ての集約関数で利用できるわけではないのですが、この例のように count 内での DISTINCT は利用することができます"

SQL感覚でHiveQLを書くと痛い目にあう例 - still deeper
[B!] 2020-09-17 15:08:37
"The ALL and DISTINCT options specify whether duplicate rows should be returned.", "DISTINCT specifies removal of duplicate rows from the result set. Note, Hive supports SELECT DISTINCT * starting in release 1.1.0 (HIVE-9194)."

LanguageManual Select - Apache Hive - Apache Software Foundation
[B!] 2020-09-17 15:09:32

機械学習で競馬の回収率100%超えを達成した話 - Qiita
[B!] 2020-09-17 21:22:15
Linuxカーネル、その29年の歴史レポート - Qiita

Linuxカーネル、その29年の歴史レポート - Qiita
[B!] 2020-09-17 21:23:09
「Rustは採用にポジティブ」最強テック集団、キャディCTOが求めるエンジニア像とは | アンドエンジニア

「Rustは採用にポジティブ」最強テック集団、キャディCTOが求めるエンジニア像とは | アンドエンジニア
[B!] 2020-09-17 21:32:17
オーブンいらずでおいしい! フライパンチーズケーキのレシピ動画・作り方 | DELISH KITCHEN

オーブンいらずでおいしい! フライパンチーズケーキのレシピ動画・作り方 | DELISH KITCHEN
[B!] 2020-09-17 21:43:49
The New Photos Picker in iOS 14 - Part 1 | by Aarsh Parekh | Dev Genius | Medium

The New Photos Picker in iOS 14 - Part 1 | by Aarsh Parekh | Dev Genius | Medium
[B!] 2020-09-17 21:50:32
PhotoKit | Apple Developer Documentation "Work with image and video assets managed by the Photos app, including those from iCloud Photos and Live Photos."

Apple Developer Documentation
[B!] 2020-09-17 21:52:13
PhotoKitの新機能 - 見つける - Apple Developer

PhotoKitの新機能 - 見つける - Apple Developer
[B!] 2020-09-17 21:52:55
Meet the new Photos picker - WWDC 2020 - Videos - Apple Developer

Meet the new Photos picker - WWDC 2020 - Videos - Apple Developer
[B!] 2020-09-17 21:54:12
Handle the Limited Photos Library in your app - WWDC 2020 - Videos - Apple Developer

Handle the Limited Photos Library in your app - WWDC 2020 - Videos - Apple Developer
[B!] 2020-09-17 21:54:25

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