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Hatena::Bookmark (2020-06-24)
"This is a volunteer computing project which allows anyone on the internet to contribute resources to research projects related to Minecraft. Minecraft@Home enables the study of the fundemental laws of Minecraft to answer unanswered questions regarding the features and true limits of the game."

[B!] 2020-06-24 21:48:59
"Today we're releasing the full Nether Update in all its glory!"

Minecraft Java Edition - Nether Release – Minecraft Feedback
[B!] 2020-06-24 19:31:12
"This is a volunteer computing project which allows anyone on the internet to contribute resources to research projects related to Minecraft. Minecraft@Home enables the study of the fundemental laws of Minecraft to answer unanswered questions regarding the features and true limits of the game."

[B!] 2020-06-24 21:48:59
Minecraft@Home · GitHub

Minecraft@Home · GitHub
[B!] 2020-06-24 21:49:39
[java]「他のプログラム(SQL, JSON, XML, 正規表現など)のコードを埋め込むことがあり、これらは、ユニコードエスケープ・バックスラッシュ・改行を除くと、リテラル文字列そのままでキャプチャされる仕組みを必要とします」

JEP 326: Raw String Literalsをテキトーに訳した - kagamihogeの日記
[B!] 2020-06-24 21:52:23

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