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Hatena::Bookmark (2020-05-23)
"The Jakarta EE Ambassadors were originally founded as the Java EE Guardians. In early 2016 Oracle appeared to lose focus on Java EE 8 progress. A community effort, which became the Java EE Guardians, was then made to document the lack of progress on the various specifications."

Jakarta EE Ambassadors – Sailing Forward with Cloud Native Java
[B!] 2020-05-23 22:55:06
「Java EE 8 (JSR 366) が 2017年9月 にリリース」「メジャーバージョンアップさせるほどの強力な新機能がそんなに多いとは感じられない」「全体的には Stream や Date and Time API などの Java SE 8 API との親和性向上」

Java EE 8 (Jakarta EE 8) 新機能まとめ - Qiita
[B!] 2020-05-23 22:54:01
"The Jakarta EE Ambassadors were originally founded as the Java EE Guardians. In early 2016 Oracle appeared to lose focus on Java EE 8 progress. A community effort, which became the Java EE Guardians, was then made to document the lack of progress on the various specifications."

Jakarta EE Ambassadors – Sailing Forward with Cloud Native Java
[B!] 2020-05-23 22:55:06

人気連載まとめ読み! @IT eBook - @IT
[B!] 2020-05-23 23:03:31

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