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Hatena::Bookmark (2019-12-06)
"The two libraries were created by the same developer and mimicked other more popular libraries" "technique called typosquatting" "The first is "python3-dateutil," which imitated the popular "dateutil" library. The second is "jeIlyfish" (the first L is an I), which mimicked the "jellyfish" library."

Two malicious Python libraries caught stealing SSH and GPG keys | ZDNet
[B!] 2019-12-06 12:53:12
「2018年に引き続き「マインクラフト」が大人気! プレイするようすを動画投稿(とうこう)サイトにアップする「実況(じっきょう)動画」も数多く投稿されています。中でも「まいぜんシスターズ」の動画が人気」

Yahoo!きっず 検索ランキング2019 - Yahoo!きっず
[B!] 2019-12-06 10:27:27
"The two libraries were created by the same developer and mimicked other more popular libraries" "technique called typosquatting" "The first is "python3-dateutil," which imitated the popular "dateutil" library. The second is "jeIlyfish" (the first L is an I), which mimicked the "jellyfish" library."

Two malicious Python libraries caught stealing SSH and GPG keys | ZDNet
[B!] 2019-12-06 12:53:12

個人情報漏洩と損害賠償 -損害賠償額算出式-
[B!] 2019-12-06 13:39:17
「2018年の調査データについて、漏えいした組織の業種、漏えい人数、漏えい原因、漏えい経路などの情報の分類、JOモデル(JNSA Damage Operation Model for Individual Information Leak)を用いた想定損害賠償額の算出などの一次分析」

NPO日本ネットワークセキュリティ協会 報告書・公開資料
[B!] 2019-12-06 13:40:11
脆弱性診断士に!!!俺はなるっ!!!! 人月の神話より「開発に必要な工数の目安(割合)」要求仕様作成、設計 1/3, 実装(コーディング)1/6, 単体テスト1/4, 統合テスト1/4
[B!] 2019-12-06 13:44:37

組織はツリーではない - Jim Coplien さんのスケールフリーネットワーク論 - kawaguti’s diary
[B!] 2019-12-06 14:06:11
"v287 is the final version of cf-release"

GitHub - cloudfoundry-attic/cf-release: Deprecated: Cloud Foundry Release
[B!] 2019-12-06 15:53:30

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