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Hatena::Bookmark (2019-08-30)
[spring]"Though there are many frameworks and platforms today that no longer require a container I think inspiration can be drawn most from DropWizard ( project I've seen inspired by DropWizard but leveraging Spring is HalfPipe ("

Improved support for 'containerless' web application architectures [SPR-9888] · Issue #14521 · spring-projects/spring-framework · GitHub
[B!] 2019-08-30 14:38:54
初めてでも30分で分かるSpring 5 & Spring Boot 2オーバービュー

初めてでも30分で分かるSpring 5 & Spring Boot 2オーバービュー
[B!] 2019-08-30 14:17:21
[spring]"Though there are many frameworks and platforms today that no longer require a container I think inspiration can be drawn most from DropWizard ( project I've seen inspired by DropWizard but leveraging Spring is HalfPipe ("

Improved support for 'containerless' web application architectures [SPR-9888] · Issue #14521 · spring-projects/spring-framework · GitHub
[B!] 2019-08-30 14:38:54
"Dropwizard is a Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services."

Home | Dropwizard
[B!] 2019-08-30 14:39:39
「JSUG勉強会 2019その8 Spring for Beginner #jsug」

Form認証で学ぶSpring Security入門
[B!] 2019-08-30 14:43:38
「JSUG勉強会 2019その8 Spring for Beginner」

開発者のためのSpring Boot Actuator入門 / jsug-2019-08 - Speaker Deck
[B!] 2019-08-30 14:45:28
メニューから Filters → Distors → Ripple で波形に

[B!] 2019-08-30 19:55:04

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Web Services by Yahoo! JAPAN