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Hatena::Bookmark (2019-04-16)
"Copper Argos is Athenz generalized model for service providers to launch other service identities in an authorized way through a callback-based verification model."

Copper Argos: Athenz Service Identity X.509 Certificates | athenz
[B!] 2019-04-16 22:20:26
"Athenz authorization system utilizes two types of tokens: Principal Tokens (N-Tokens) and RoleTokens (Z-Tokens). The name “Athenz” is derived from “Auth” and the ‘N’ and ‘Z’ tokens."

athenz | Athenz is a role-based authorization (RBAC) system for provisioning and configuration (centralized authorization) use cases as well as serving/runtime (decentralized authorization) use cases.
[B!] 2019-04-16 22:19:08
"Copper Argos is Athenz generalized model for service providers to launch other service identities in an authorized way through a callback-based verification model."

Copper Argos: Athenz Service Identity X.509 Certificates | athenz
[B!] 2019-04-16 22:20:26
"Copper Argos extends Athenz with generalized model for service providers to launch other identities in an authorized way through a callback-based verification model."

Copper Argos: Athenz Service Identity X.509 Certificates Development | athenz
[B!] 2019-04-16 22:21:02
"アルゴス(古代ギリシア語: Ἄργος, Argos, ラテン語: Argus)は、ギリシア神話に登場する100の目をもつ(あるいは体に多くの目をそなえた)巨人である"

アルゴス - Wikipedia
[B!] 2019-04-16 22:23:32

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