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Hatena::Bookmark (2022-02-07)
Gather | A better way to meet online. "Centered around fully customizable spaces, Gather makes spending time with your communities just as easy as real life" "Objects like whiteboards, TVs, and games"

Gather | A better way to meet online.
[B!] 2022-02-07 16:17:12
「フォーク元に乗っかっている。全体的にもとの実装が TypeScript/React であったため、変更したい場所を特定するのが容易だったし、他言語への対応など考えられているためかごく一部の変更で済んだ」

Wordleの漢字バージョン「漢字ル」を作った - 詩と創作・思索のひろば
[B!] 2022-02-07 13:33:59
Gather | A better way to meet online. "Centered around fully customizable spaces, Gather makes spending time with your communities just as easy as real life" "Objects like whiteboards, TVs, and games"

Gather | A better way to meet online.
[B!] 2022-02-07 16:17:12
"These games are set up so that you can join private games within your Gather space, so you can play while also video chatting with friends!"

Integrated Games
[B!] 2022-02-07 16:18:28
draw battle! a competitive team drawing game "two teams of drawers face off with a frantic final round"

draw battle! a competitive team drawing game
[B!] 2022-02-07 16:18:52
柔らかジューシー! 定番ローストポークのレシピ動画・作り方 | DELISH KITCHEN

柔らかジューシー! 定番ローストポークのレシピ動画・作り方 | DELISH KITCHEN
[B!] 2022-02-07 19:07:07

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