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Hatena::Bookmark (2021-11-09)
"Just last week we saw the popular npm package `ua-parser-js` get hijacked." "Well, it happened again. This time the `coa` and `rc` packages were hijacked, via an npm account takeover. The hijacked versions of these packages are tracked under sonatype-2021-1696."

NPM Hijackers at it Again: Popular ‘coa’ and ‘rc’ Open Source Libraries Taken Over to Spread Malware
[B!] 2021-11-09 08:53:52
"The 'coa' library, short for Command-Option-Argument, receives about 9 million weekly downloads on npm, and is used by almost 5 million open source repositories on GitHub."

Popular 'coa' NPM library hijacked to steal user passwords
[B!] 2021-11-09 08:52:20
"Just last week we saw the popular npm package `ua-parser-js` get hijacked." "Well, it happened again. This time the `coa` and `rc` packages were hijacked, via an npm account takeover. The hijacked versions of these packages are tracked under sonatype-2021-1696."

NPM Hijackers at it Again: Popular ‘coa’ and ‘rc’ Open Source Libraries Taken Over to Spread Malware
[B!] 2021-11-09 08:53:52

AR(拡張現実)機能を搭載したマスクを開発 コロナ禍のテーマパークや商業施設などでの活用をめざす
[B!] 2021-11-09 17:42:14

「マスク着用は楽しい体験になる」 AR機能搭載の「ワンダーマスク」を開発しました|LODGE(Yahoo! JAPAN)|note
[B!] 2021-11-09 17:44:34

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