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Hatena::Bookmark (2021-09-13)
Google Workspace によるハイブリッド ワークでの課題への対処 | Google Cloud Blog

Google Workspace によるハイブリッド ワークでの課題への対処 | Google Cloud Blog
[B!] 2021-09-13 10:53:34
Scaling LinkedIn's Hadoop YARN cluster beyond 10,000 nodes | LinkedIn Engineering

Scaling LinkedIn's Hadoop YARN cluster beyond 10,000 nodes | LinkedIn Engineering
[B!] 2021-09-13 10:48:28
Google Workspace によるハイブリッド ワークでの課題への対処 | Google Cloud Blog

Google Workspace によるハイブリッド ワークでの課題への対処 | Google Cloud Blog
[B!] 2021-09-13 10:53:34
Metrics export in integration tests "@SpringBootTest no longer configures available monitoring systems and only provide the in-memory MeterRegistry. If you were exporting metrics as part of an integration test, you can add @AutoConfigureMetrics to your test to restore the previous behaviour."

Spring Boot 2.4 Release Notes · spring-projects/spring-boot Wiki · GitHub
[B!] 2021-09-13 13:38:28

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