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Hatena::Bookmark (2021-06-29)
"Get up to 25% discount on our robots and with Pepper’s powerful navigation capabilities, your guests will be able to find their way easily!"

Have Pepper Safely Guide your Visitors and Customers with our Special Offer! | SoftBank Robotics
[B!] 2021-06-29 12:47:07

ロボットペッパー生産停止 ソフトバンクG販売不振か(共同通信) - Yahoo!ニュース
[B!] 2021-06-29 12:45:03
"Get up to 25% discount on our robots and with Pepper’s powerful navigation capabilities, your guests will be able to find their way easily!"

Have Pepper Safely Guide your Visitors and Customers with our Special Offer! | SoftBank Robotics
[B!] 2021-06-29 12:47:07

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