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Hatena::Bookmark (2021-05-09)
ぼったくり男爵 Baron Von Ripper-off / "Somewhere along the line Baron Von Ripper-off and the other gold-plated pretenders at the International Olympic Committee decided to treat Japan as their footstool." "Von Ripper-off, a.k.a. IOC President Thomas Bach"

Japan should cut its Olympic losses, no matter what the IOC says - The Washington Post
[B!] 2021-05-09 20:53:24

復興五輪「架空だった」…罪悪感抱く宮本亞門さん、IOCや政府を「利己的」と批判 インタビュー詳報:東京新聞 TOKYO Web
[B!] 2021-05-09 20:52:49
ぼったくり男爵 Baron Von Ripper-off / "Somewhere along the line Baron Von Ripper-off and the other gold-plated pretenders at the International Olympic Committee decided to treat Japan as their footstool." "Von Ripper-off, a.k.a. IOC President Thomas Bach"

Japan should cut its Olympic losses, no matter what the IOC says - The Washington Post
[B!] 2021-05-09 20:53:24
「Jason Holckという大麻ブリーダーが20年前に自身の肖像を提供したニッチな女の子向けTCGの該当カード(#154 Jason)をお店に持ってきたら大麻を今後タダであげるよ…というプロモーションを始めた事で」

SF作家赤野工作先生、大麻無料引換券と化して高騰したトレカを知らずにオークションで争い購入する小説のような事態が発生 - Togetter
[B!] 2021-05-09 20:59:14
Googleが繰り返すデザイン変更からたどり着いた極意「明白こそが至高」について解説 - GIGAZINE

Googleが繰り返すデザイン変更からたどり着いた極意「明白こそが至高」について解説 - GIGAZINE
[B!] 2021-05-09 23:17:29
The Obvious UI is Often the Best UI | by Susanna Zaraysky | Google Design | Medium

The Obvious UI is Often the Best UI | by Susanna Zaraysky | Google Design | Medium
[B!] 2021-05-09 23:17:42
LukeW | Obvious Always Wins

LukeW | Obvious Always Wins
[B!] 2021-05-09 23:18:05

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