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Hatena::Bookmark (2021-01-17)
GitHub - slap-editor/slap: Sublime-like terminal-based text editor

GitHub - slap-editor/slap: Sublime-like terminal-based text editor
[B!] 2021-01-17 22:48:03

羽生九段はなぜ「勝率94%」で投了したのか 将棋AI“進化”のジレンマ 棋士の本音は・・・開発責任者の秘策は「神の手」(テレビ朝日系(ANN)) - Yahoo!ニュース
[B!] 2021-01-17 22:47:40
GitHub - slap-editor/slap: Sublime-like terminal-based text editor

GitHub - slap-editor/slap: Sublime-like terminal-based text editor
[B!] 2021-01-17 22:48:03
GitHub - Ranchero-Software/NetNewsWire: RSS reader for macOS and iOS.

GitHub - Ranchero-Software/NetNewsWire: RSS reader for macOS and iOS.
[B!] 2021-01-17 22:49:30
NetNewsWire: Free and Open Source RSS Reader for Mac and iOS
[B!] 2021-01-17 22:50:01
"NetNewsWire is a free and open source RSS reader. It’s fast, stable, and accessible."

‎NetNewsWire: RSS Reader on the App Store
[B!] 2021-01-17 22:51:29
「この記事はre:Invent2018のDAT315 Building a Social Graph at Nike with Amazon Neptuneのレポートになります」

[レポート] DAT315 :NIKEにおけるAmazon Neptuneを利用したソーシャルグラフの構築 #reinvent | Developers.IO
[B!] 2021-01-17 22:51:48

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