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Hatena::Bookmark (2021-01-15)
"This repository contains the source code for the ARM side libraries used on Raspberry Pi. These typically are installed in /opt/vc/lib and includes source for the ARM side code to interface to: EGL, mmal, GLESv2, vcos, openmaxil, vchiq_arm, bcm_host, WFC, OpenVG.", "Use buildme to build."

GitHub - raspberrypi/userland: Source code for ARM side libraries for interfacing to Raspberry Pi GPU.
[B!] 2021-01-15 20:44:39
「Will-Skill マトリクスの幸せ人生成長プロセス」「やる気と能力を引き出す人格成長プロセスは、命令→指導→教育→委任で完結する」

[B!] 2021-01-15 20:42:50
"This repository contains the source code for the ARM side libraries used on Raspberry Pi. These typically are installed in /opt/vc/lib and includes source for the ARM side code to interface to: EGL, mmal, GLESv2, vcos, openmaxil, vchiq_arm, bcm_host, WFC, OpenVG.", "Use buildme to build."

GitHub - raspberrypi/userland: Source code for ARM side libraries for interfacing to Raspberry Pi GPU.
[B!] 2021-01-15 20:44:39
DispmanX service

userland/vc_vchi_dispmanx.c at master · raspberrypi/userland · GitHub
[B!] 2021-01-15 20:47:45
「dispmanxって何だ?」「自分の理解としては、raspbianにプリインストールされている/opt/vc 自体がそれってこと。dispmanxもvcの一部で、OpenGLESデモもビデオデバイス制御にvcライブラリを使っている」

おっさんエンジニアの実験室: RaspberryPiのモニタ出力をVNC経由で表示
[B!] 2021-01-15 20:48:49

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