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Hatena::Bookmark (2021-01-12)
囲碁AI作り "Deep Learning and the Game of Go teaches you how to apply the power of deep learning to complex reasoning tasks by building a Go-playing AI. After exposing you to the foundations of machine and deep learning, you'll use Python to build a bot and then teach it the rules of the game."

Manning | Deep Learning and the Game of Go
[B!] 2021-01-12 00:16:41
囲碁AI作り "Deep Learning and the Game of Go teaches you how to apply the power of deep learning to complex reasoning tasks by building a Go-playing AI. After exposing you to the foundations of machine and deep learning, you'll use Python to build a bot and then teach it the rules of the game."

Manning | Deep Learning and the Game of Go
[B!] 2021-01-12 00:16:41
"With the new Core ML-powered ML Enhance, making your photos look stunning couldn’t be easier."

ML Enhance - Pixelmator Pro Tutorials
[B!] 2021-01-12 09:10:13
「機械学習を使った自動補正機能「ML Enhance」やタッチ操作で不要なものを除去するツールなど、iPadで快適に画像修正ができるようデザインされています」

iPad専用の写真加工アプリ「Pixelmator Photo」リリース。機械学習を使用してワンボタンでプロフェッショナルな画像調整を可能に | iPad Creator
[B!] 2021-01-12 09:13:00
Pixelmator Pro — ML Enhance - YouTube "With the new Core ML-powered ML Enhance, making your photos look stunning couldn’t be easier."
[B!] 2021-01-12 09:14:32
「基本的な3つの編集方法(文字入れ、フィルター、ML Enhance)」「応用的な2つの使い方(Mac純正アプリからの起動方法、一括編集するAutomatorの導入)」

【使い方】Pixelmator Proを”超効率的”に使う5つの編集テクニック | Apple信者1億人創出計画
[B!] 2021-01-12 09:15:29
"Pixelmator Pro 2.0 is the biggest update to Pixelmator Pro yet. It features an all-new, more intuitive design, support for the new Macs powered by the incredible M1 chip, full compatibility with macOS Big Sur, and a whole lot more. And best of all, it’s completely free to all existing Pixelmator"

Pixelmator Pro
[B!] 2021-01-12 09:16:02

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