

← 前の日 2020-10-30 次の日 →
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Hatena::Bookmark (2020-10-30)
"On October 8th, we hosted our first ever Google Assistant Developer Day (GADD). Check out the virtual event on-demand and get to know all the latest product announcements, newest features and tools, hear from developers, and Google Assistant DevRel answering all your questions!"

Google Assistant Developer Day 2020 (GADD) - YouTube
[B!] 2020-10-30 22:41:51

大阪市4分割コスト試算「捏造」 市財政局 2日で一変、謝罪 市長面談後 - 毎日新聞
[B!] 2020-10-30 22:17:46
"On October 8th, we hosted our first ever Google Assistant Developer Day (GADD). Check out the virtual event on-demand and get to know all the latest product announcements, newest features and tools, hear from developers, and Google Assistant DevRel answering all your questions!"

Google Assistant Developer Day 2020 (GADD) - YouTube
[B!] 2020-10-30 22:41:51

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