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Hatena::Bookmark (2007-05-04)
[顔認識][java][lib]FaceDetect - Biometrics | Face Recognition | OpenDEN:This application is using the OpenCV(intel) for face detect in a big image. The package contains a JNI2OpenCV.dll which makes it possible to create a similar java application of face detection like this one.

FaceDetect - Biometrics | Face Recognition | OpenDEN
[B!] 2007-05-04 16:39:07
[顔認識]Face Recognition Homepage

Face Recognition Homepage
[B!] 2007-05-04 16:36:20
[顔認識][java][lib]FaceDetect - Biometrics | Face Recognition | OpenDEN:This application is using the OpenCV(intel) for face detect in a big image. The package contains a JNI2OpenCV.dll which makes it possible to create a similar java application of face detection like this one.

FaceDetect - Biometrics | Face Recognition | OpenDEN
[B!] 2007-05-04 16:39:07
[顔認識][lib][java]EigenFace - Biometrics | Face Recognition | OpenDEN:This application is using the eigenface technologies for face recognition. Suppose you have a set of image faces, it will first calculate the eigenfaces. Recognition is performed by projecting a new face into a low-dimentional linear face space and

EigenFace - Biometrics | Face Recognition | OpenDEN
[B!] 2007-05-04 16:39:33
[java][graphics][lib]Mistral - Mistral : Javaで書かれたオープンソースの画像処理エンジン

Mistral - Mistral
[B!] 2007-05-04 16:47:23
[ocr]ocropus - Google Code : open source document analysis and OCR system

ocropus - Google Code
[B!] 2007-05-04 16:58:30
[顔認識]NEC、映像コンテンツ検索における顔認識技術が国際標準規格として採用 - CNET Japan

NEC、映像コンテンツ検索における顔認識技術が国際標準規格として採用 - CNET Japan
[B!] 2007-05-04 16:59:29
[opencv][java]spiritlooseのはてなダイアリー - OpenCVを使って画像の物体認識をするPerlモジュール作った

spiritlooseのはてなダイアリー - OpenCVを使って画像の物体認識をするPerlモジュール作った
[B!] 2007-05-04 17:03:06
[tool][java][graphics][lib]ImageJ : Image Processing and Analysis in Java

ImageJ(Display DICOM software)
[B!] 2007-05-04 17:03:54
[java]組込み Java 実用コンソーシアム

組込み Java 実用コンソーシアム
[B!] 2007-05-04 19:05:13
[life]日刊スレッドガイド : 知らないほうが幸せだった雑学

日刊スレッドガイド : 知らないほうが幸せだった雑学
[B!] 2007-05-04 19:47:59
[pc9801]いまだに売っているPC-9801系互換機 : Gizmodo Japan(ギズモード・ジャパン):エルミック・ウェスコムの「iNHERITOR」とロムウィンの「98Base-D」

いまだに売っているPC-9801系互換機 : Gizmodo Japan(ギズモード・ジャパン)
[B!] 2007-05-04 20:51:16
[顔認識]Facekit - Create your own face recognizor

Facekit - Create your own face recognizor
[B!] 2007-05-04 20:55:11
[chi]NextReality - CHI2007 四日目 : 圧力インタフェースとか

NextReality - CHI2007 四日目
[B!] 2007-05-04 21:30:54

[B!] 2007-05-04 22:05:25
[swig][jni]すみっこのメモ - SWIGでJNI~JavaからCのプログラムを呼ぶ

すみっこのメモ - SWIGでJNI~JavaからCのプログラムを呼ぶ
[B!] 2007-05-04 22:34:57

[B!] 2007-05-04 22:35:19
[jni]JNI:Java Native Interface

JNI:Java Native Interface
[B!] 2007-05-04 22:35:29
[画像認識][java][processing]BlobDetection library / v3ga : This library is aimed at doing computer vision by finding ‘blobs’ on an image

BlobDetection library / v3ga
[B!] 2007-05-04 22:47:12
[画像認識]InfoMus Lab - Laboratorio di Informatica Musicale

InfoMus Lab - Laboratorio di Informatica Musicale
[B!] 2007-05-04 22:48:21
[graphics]Peter Selinger: potrace : Transforming bitmaps into vector graphics

Peter Selinger: potrace
[B!] 2007-05-04 22:50:41

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