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Hatena::Bookmark (2010-10-30)
[foursquare]んー、やっぱり Spooky Swarm は今夜じゃないとだめなのかな。”through October 31” って書いてあるし。。。 / Foursquare wishes everyone a happy Halloween with two new badges

Foursquare wishes everyone a happy Halloween with two new badges
[B!] 2010-10-30 16:52:11
[foursquare]この Halloween な週末に50人以上同時チェックインすると Spooky Swarm バッジがもらえるらしい。 / foursquare Spooky Swarm Badge | Foursquare Swarm Badge Party

foursquare Spooky Swarm Badge | Foursquare Swarm Badge Party
[B!] 2010-10-30 16:47:43
[foursquare]んー、やっぱり Spooky Swarm は今夜じゃないとだめなのかな。”through October 31” って書いてあるし。。。 / Foursquare wishes everyone a happy Halloween with two new badges

Foursquare wishes everyone a happy Halloween with two new badges
[B!] 2010-10-30 16:52:11
[foursquare]foursquare :: Mazda "MAZDA2 Beat Junkie (concerts and music spots), MAZDA2 Style Guru (nightlife haunts, boutiques and fashion events) and MAZDA2 Button Masher (gaming competitions and retailers)"

foursquare :: Mazda
[B!] 2010-10-30 22:27:40

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