RT @timneutkens: ◆ Improved font handling ◆ Many improvements and fixes to the edge-runtime (e.g. used by Middleware) ◆ When a bot requests the page in a browser (e.g. what Google does) prefetching is disabled as it doesn't navigate ◆ Many bugfixes to SWC (latest version used)
RT @timneutkens: Next.js 13 is stable. Upgrade from Next.js 12 to get these benefits: ◆ Default output target ESModules browsers ◆ No more `<a>` in `<Link>` ◆ swcMinify by default ◆ New next/image without wrappers ◆ Improved InferGetStaticPropsType/InferGetServerSidePropsType
RT @timneutkens: ◆ Improved font handling ◆ Many improvements and fixes to the edge-runtime (e.g. used by Middleware) ◆ When a bot requests the page in a browser (e.g. what Google does) prefetching is disabled as it doesn't navigate ◆ Many bugfixes to SWC (latest version used)
RT @timneutkens: ◆ Browserslist support ◆ "type": "module" support for output: 'standalone' ◆ Removed hook_optimizer transform that turned useState and such into objects, this was needed when hooks came out, destructuring arrays got performance improvements some time ago.