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Hatena::Bookmark (2023-10-13)
"Important: we'll be ending access to the Sandbox environment from November 15, 2023" / Sandbox Environment (deprecated) - Evernote Developers

Testing in the Sandbox - Evernote Developers
[B!] 2023-10-13 23:04:44

麺Lab千賀商店 powered by BASE
[B!] 2023-10-13 20:10:19
"Important: we'll be ending access to the Sandbox environment from November 15, 2023" / Sandbox Environment (deprecated) - Evernote Developers

Testing in the Sandbox - Evernote Developers
[B!] 2023-10-13 23:04:44
Ubuntu Desktop インストーラーの翻訳にヘイトスピーチが見つかったと。 "Shortly after release we identified hate speech from a malicious contributor in a specific set of translations of the Ubuntu Desktop installer UI and have taken immediate action."

[Announcement] Ubuntu Desktop 23.10 release image is being updated to resolve a malicious translation incident
[B!] 2023-10-13 23:19:17
「LOHACO by ASKULは、2023年10月23日(予定)にYahoo!ショッピング店としてリニューアルします」

LOHACO - LOHACO by ASKUL お得なクーポンがご利用できるショッピングサイトに進化
[B!] 2023-10-13 23:24:22

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