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Mastodon (2023-10-13)

Ubuntu Desktop インストーラーの翻訳にヘイトスピーチが見つかったと。

"Shortly after release we identified hate speech from a malicious contributor in a specific set of translations of the Ubuntu Desktop installer UI and have taken immediate action."

[Announcement] Ubuntu Desktop 23.10 release image is being updated to resolve a malicious translation incident - Desktop - Ubuntu Community Hub

[Mastodon] 2023-10-13 23:19:42

"If you request a new key it will be immediately activated in production."

"If you currently have an API key in the Sandbox environment and wish to promote it to production, you have until November 15 to request the transition using this form."

"Please be aware that after November 15, all data in Sandbox accounts will be permanently deleted. We strongly encourage you to export any important data before then."

Sandbox Environment (deprecated) - Evernote Developers

[Mastodon] 2023-10-13 23:10:12

Ubuntu Desktop インストーラーの翻訳にヘイトスピーチが見つかったと。

"Shortly after release we identified hate speech from a malicious contributor in a specific set of translations of the Ubuntu Desktop installer UI and have taken immediate action."

[Announcement] Ubuntu Desktop 23.10 release image is being updated to resolve a malicious translation incident - Desktop - Ubuntu Community Hub

[Mastodon] 2023-10-13 23:19:42

「LOHACO by ASKULは、2023年10月23日(予定)にYahoo!ショッピング店としてリニューアルします。まとめ割やLOHACOが発行するクーポンはそのまま、ゾロ目の日や週替わりクーポンなどYahoo!ショッピングのお得なクーポンもご利用できるショッピングサイトとして進化します」

LOHACO - LOHACO by ASKUL お得なクーポンがご利用できるショッピングサイトに進化

[Mastodon] 2023-10-13 23:23:55

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Web Services by Yahoo! JAPAN