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Mastodon (2023-08-07)

医者が素行の良くなさそうな患者を Twitter で晒すのちらほらと見かけるけど、職業倫理的にどうなのかなぁ。

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 12:48:47


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[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 12:38:03

医者が素行の良くなさそうな患者を Twitter で晒すのちらほらと見かけるけど、職業倫理的にどうなのかなぁ。

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 12:48:47




[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 12:52:18


[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 12:53:04

TIME Novenmber 19, 2007 (VOL.170, No.20)

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 13:57:38

Invention Of the Year: The iPhone / TIME Novenmber 19, 2007 (VOL.170, No.20)

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 13:59:12

Invention Of the Year: The iPhone の記事はネットで無料で読めたりする。

"From the phone that has changed phones forever, to futuristic cars, to a building made of water, to a remote-controlled dragonfly — a dazzling display of ingenuity"

Invention Of the Year: The iPhone - Best Inventions of 2007 - TIME

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 14:00:39

TIME December 24, 2007 (VOL.170, No.25). The Best of 2007. The 10 Best Web Videos とか The 10 Best Video Games とか。The 10 Best Video Games には Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (ゼルダの伝説 夢幻の砂時計) とか Super Mario Galaxy (スーパーマリオギャラクシー) がランクイン。

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 14:11:18

The Best of 2007 のページがなぜか Not Found になってしまう。

TIME Magazine -- Asia Edition -- December 24, 2007 Vol. 170, No. 25

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 14:12:46


YouTuber - Wikipedia

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 14:13:34

TIME May 12, 2008 (VOL.171, No.18). The Most Influential People in The World (TIME 100).

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 14:24:11

"The World's Most Influential People (TIME 100)"
"Our fifth annual list of the world's most influential people: leaders, thinkers, heroes, artists, scientists and more"

"My Life Without TV (Nerd World)"
"Has the Internet made the old-fashioned idiot box obsolete? There's one way to find out: get rid of it"

TIME Magazine -- Asia Edition -- May 12, 2008 Vol. 171, No. 18

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 14:25:40


"Our fifth annual list of the world's most influential people: leaders, thinkers, heroes, artists, scientists and more"

Dalai Lama - The 2008 TIME 100 - TIME

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 14:27:12

"Some believe Putin's KGB background explains everything, but his allegiance to the KGB is in turn explained by his intense nationalism — which accounts for his popularity in Russia."

"Such powers have spheres of influence and subjugate lesser powers. At home, they celebrate national traditions and prize collective glory, not individual freedom."

Vladimir Putin - The 2008 TIME 100 - TIME

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 14:29:40

"It is unlikely that Putin, 55, will wear out his welcome at home anytime soon, as he has nearly done with many democracies abroad. In the meantime, he will remain an irritant to nato, a source of division within Europe and yet another reason for the West to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels."

Vladimir Putin - The 2008 TIME 100 - TIME

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 14:30:13

"I can get away with not having a TV partly because my personal life is so amazingly rich and satisfying but mostly because I have a computer, and all of a sudden there's an incredible amount of TV on the Internet. In the business of moving video data onto small plastic boxes, the Internet used to be a footnote--it was choppy and low res, legally sketchy and financially pointless."

Getting Rid of My TV - TIME

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 14:31:43

"Now, in the post-YouTube era, the Web is infested with video. That's what that Hollywood writers' strike was about."

"YouTube has been largely stripped of the kind of longer-format, commercially produced content that could get you through a solitary evening at home, as opposed to a furtive interlude between spreadsheets. It's becoming what it was always meant to be: a vast galaxy of bizarre amateur snippets."

Getting Rid of My TV - TIME

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 14:34:22 SPRING 1998 アメコミ通販カタログ。攻殻機動隊とかセーラームーンのグッズもあるみたい。

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 14:46:50 SPRING 1998 アメコミ通販カタログ。Spawn, Batman, Sweet Dreams, Sadman, Superman, Kingdom Come, Sabretooth, Spider-Man, Wolverine など。

[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 14:49:02

なんと( ゚д゚)


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[Mastodon] 2023-08-07 16:12:36

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