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Hatena::Bookmark (2023-03-30)
LINE CLOVA assistant service on CLOVA devices are terminated (CLOVAデバイスにおけるCLOVA Assistantサービス終了) - YouTube

LINE CLOVA assistant service on CLOVA devices are terminated (CLOVAデバイスにおけるCLOVA Assistantサービス終了)
[B!] 2023-03-30 13:30:40
"As of March 30, 2023, the CLOVA assistant service on CLOVA devices will be terminated." "The CLOVA Extensions Kit, which allow developers to create their own skills for CLOVA devices, will also be discontinued."

News: CLOVA assistant service on CLOVA devices will be terminated on March 30, 2023
[B!] 2023-03-30 13:30:25
LINE CLOVA assistant service on CLOVA devices are terminated (CLOVAデバイスにおけるCLOVA Assistantサービス終了) - YouTube

LINE CLOVA assistant service on CLOVA devices are terminated (CLOVAデバイスにおけるCLOVA Assistantサービス終了)
[B!] 2023-03-30 13:30:40
PMOとは?PMとの違い(意味、役割、業務内容)を紹介 | Backlogブログ

PMOとは?PMとの違い(意味、役割、業務内容)を紹介 | Backlogブログ
[B!] 2023-03-30 15:15:27

『もちまる日記』飛行機動画で炎上! チャンネル売却疑惑も浮上 - まいじつ
[B!] 2023-03-30 22:27:51

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