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Hatena::Bookmark (2022-01-06)
Kong Open-Source API Management Gateway for Microservices "The world’s most popular API gateway. Built for hybrid and multi-cloud, optimized for microservices and distributed architectures. Get started today – download Kong Gateway for free."

Kong - Open-Source API Management and Microservice Management
[B!] 2022-01-06 10:33:29

Kong 最新情報 | OSSサポートのOpenStandia™【NRI】
[B!] 2022-01-06 10:32:37
Kong Open-Source API Management Gateway for Microservices "The world’s most popular API gateway. Built for hybrid and multi-cloud, optimized for microservices and distributed architectures. Get started today – download Kong Gateway for free."

Kong - Open-Source API Management and Microservice Management
[B!] 2022-01-06 10:33:29
「安全なMarkdown テキストエディタ」「メモを暗号化」「スケッチを追加」「さまざまな形式にエクスポート」「メモを Mac、iPad、iPhone、および Apple Watch 間で同期可能」「メモは弊社サーバーでなく iCloud 経由で同期」

‎「Bear - プライベートメモ」をApp Storeで
[B!] 2022-01-06 17:12:18

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Web Services by Yahoo! JAPAN