Ruby/Tk と Tcl/Tk, Perl/Tk, Python Tkinterなどとの違い

Ruby/Tk と Tcl/Tk との違いはどこですか?

依存関係のある widget の生成方法

ScrollBar と ListBox, Text, Canvas


Ruby/Tk と Tcl/Tk との違い一覧は?

what              Tcl/Tk                 Ruby/Tk
variable          set a 123              a = 123 or a = '123'
re-assignment     set b $a               b = a.dup

lists/arrays      set a {1 2 fred 7.8}   a = [1, 2, 'fred', 7.8]
re-assignment     list set b $a          b = a.dup

associative       set a(Jan) 456.02      a = {'Jan' => 456.02, 'Feb' => 534.96}
arrays            set a(Feb) 534.96
re-assignment     foreach i \            b = a.dup
                   [array names a] {
                   set b($i) = $a($i) }

expressions       set a [expr $b+$c]     a = b + c

increment         incr i                 i += 1

declare           proc plus {a b} {      def plus(a, b)
 subroutines       expr $a + $b }            return a + b

variable scope    local default          local default
                   override w/ "global"   

call              plus 1 2               plus(1,2)

statement sep     newline or at ";"      newline or at ";"

statement         "\" - newline          none required

verbatim strings  {}                     ''
 e.g.             {a \ lot@ of $stuff}   'a \ lot@ of $stuff'

escaped strings   ""                     ""
 e.g.             "Who\nWhat\nIdunno"    "Who\nWhat\nIdunno"

STDOUT            puts "Hello World!"    print "Hello!\n"
                  puts stdout "Hello!"   STDOUT.print "Hello World!\n"

Ruby/Tk と Perl/Tk との違いはどこですか?

Ruby/Tk と Perl/Tk との違い一覧は?

what              Perl/Tk                     Ruby/Tk
variable          $a = 123; or $a = '123';    a = 123 or a = '123'
re-assignment     $b = $a;                    b = a.dup

lists/arrays      @a = (1,2,'fred',7.8);      a = [1, 2, 'fred', 7.8]
re-assignment     @b = @a;                    b = a.dup

associative       %a = ('Jan',456.02,         a = {'Jan' => 456.02, 'Feb' => 534.96}
 arrays            'Feb',534.96);
re-assignment     %b = %a;                    b = a.dup

expressions       $a = $b+$c;                 a = b + c

increment         $i++; or ++$i;              i += 1

declare           sub plus { my($a,$b) = @_;  def plus(a, b)
 subroutines       $a+$b; }                    return a + b

variable scope    global default              local default
                   override w/ "my" (or "local")

call              &plus(1,2); #or             plus(1,2)
 subroutines       plus(1,2);  #OK after sub plus

statement sep     ";" required                newline or at ";"

statement         none required               none required

verbatim strings  ''                          ''
 e.g.             'a \ lot@ of $stuff'        'a \ lot@ of $stuff'

escaped strings   ""                          ""
 e.g.             "Who\nWhat\nIdunno"         "Who\nWhat\nIdunno"

STDOUT            print "Hello World!\n"      print "Hello World!\n"
                  STDOUT "Hello!\n"           STDOUT.print "Hello World!\n"

Ruby/Tk と Python Tkinter との違いはどこですか?

Ruby/Tk と Python Tkinter との違い一覧は?
